Interested In Joining Dance To Heal?

Feel Better In Your Mind And Body In Just 6 Weeks Using Dance As The Vessel

Hello Beautiful!

Let's skip the long intro and get to the good part.

This is the most in depth program I’ve ever created and it is truly a labor of love. I’ve compiled everything I have been teaching for almost a decade about the powerful connection between dance, music, and emotional wellbeing.

My classes grew to 100+ people a week because of the message I was teaching. It goes so much deeper than just the physical part of dance or fitness.

This is program is about tapping into the connection between your mind and body then using it as a powerful tool in your life.

This is program is about tapping into the connection between your mind and body then using it as a powerful tool in your life.

I've received countless messages from people over the years who experienced transformations that awakened their energy and enthusiasm for life.

The most special part was that they experienced positive changes in ways they never even anticipated.

So many said they were able to let go of things that they didn’t even know they were holding on to.

Melody DanceFit Is Impacting People Around The World

Anna shared that she "built up enough courage to leave her abusive relationship."
Jessie said she was able to "make peace with her ovarian cancer."
Kris wrote a long email saying that "my teachings helped them feel confident in their gender transition."
Several clients found the power to start new careers, new businesses, and new passions that have made them come ALIVE.

See What Other People Are Saying...

Dance To Heal is about unlocking the connection to your own power, the one that has always been inside of you.

I am simply here as a guide.

The lessons will challenge you to look within in a way you haven't before, while using dance as the modality.

The Disclaimer That Keeps It Real

Now does that mean you’ll experience an internal transformation overnight?

Well, not quite.

There are many factors that go into this program and like with anything, individual transformations and achievements vary from person to person.

This in-depth program is designed to walk you through how dance can be utilized in your life as a powerful tool to unlock a deeper connection from within.

The truth is, this program will require commitment, repetition, reflection, patience, and a growth mindset.

This course is not a quick fix or a guarantee that you will be happy all the time.

However, I believe if you’re serious about this investment and put in the work, you will unlock a deep transformation and lifelong tool that you can access at anytime.

Having said all of this, please understand that this program is not a replacement for medical attention. If you believe you have a serious medical condition I strongly advise you to seek out a qualified healthcare professional.

Here's What I Can Guarantee

You will awaken a connection with your body.

You will activate your nervous system and experience joyful movement.

And you will feel better in your own skin.

If you experience any obstacles along the way, you have direct access to me in our weekly group connection calls.

This isn’t like other online programs where you purchase and just get left with a few videos to do on your own.

I will be supporting you every step of the way and you will be connected to a supportive community of others taking the program alongside with you.

I’m sharing every last tool with you and will show you step-by-step how to utilize dance as a powerful tool in your life.
There is no other program like this out there right now.

The unique part about this program is that you will be able to access these tools forever to help you through the inevitable highs and lows of life.

The transformation you can experience in this course is not just a quick promise of one thing. It’s the process of unlocking the possibility of infinite outcomes.

The Why Behind Dance To Heal

A lot of people have been asking me for private coaching and training and until now I’ve always had to turn everyone down because I simply didn’t have the time and energy to put together something like this.

But like many, I had a major personal shift during the pandemic.

I realized my calling on a deeper level.

No human is immune to struggle, burnout, and pain.

As humans we will inevitably experience these hardships in life.

My purpose in creating this new program is to help people on a much deeper level through the modality of dance.

And I know so many people can benefit from this type of program right now.

We have all, in some shape or form, experienced grief, loss, and painful change.

While the main focus of this program is the internal transformation, you better believe you will sweat, increase physical endurance, discover how to find the beat of a song, and learn new choreography along the way.
Now you might be wondering exactly what this program covers.

Exactly What You're Getting

Week #1: Getting Into Your Body
  • Creating A Line of Communication With Your Body And The Impact On Health 
  • Grounding Techniques For Body Awareness That Don't Include Meditation 
  • Learning How Emotions Are Stored In The Body And Identifying Where They Can Live
  • The "Great Release" - Introducing Somatic Release Of Emotions Through Movement
  • Why Dance Vs. Other Methods
...Once We've Laid The Foundation For Your Transformation,
I'll Show You The Power Of Letting Go....
Week #2: Letting Go
  • Dismantling Your Attachment To Control
  • Taking The Pressure Off And Decoding Expectations
  • Integrating Exercises To Release Mental Pressure And Cultivate Joy
  • Techniques to Unlock Your Unique Connection
  • Setting Yourself Up to Maximize Your Growth & Learning
  • Applying Principles Of Patience To Progress
...Then I'll Show You How To Face Your Darkness To Step (and Dance) Into Who You Already Are...
Week #3: Becoming Who We Already Are
  • A Step-By-Step Guide To Explore The Root Of Emotions Such As Anger, Shame, And Vulnerability
  • Specific Exercises To Open Up Your Throat Chakra & Release Repressed Emotions
  • Discovering The Information Our Darkness Can Give To Us And Learning About Information From Our Shadow
  • Why It's Okay And Healthy Not To Be Happy All the Time
  • The Secret Technique Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
  • Vulnerability: The Key to Unlocking Courage And Strength
...Once You Honor The Shadows I'll Show You How To Integrate Play In Your Life...
Week #4: Play
  • My Proven Method To Reconnect With Your Inner Child
  • Powerful Exercises To Tap Into your Creativity And Sense Of Play
  • Breaking Down The Benefits Of Laughter And What It Can Do For Your Wellbeing
  • How to Integrate Play Into Your Life & Why It Matters
...Then You'll Learn How To Free Yourself and Redefine Your Personal Power...
Week #5: Define Your Personal Power
  • My Favorite Techniques To Improve Your Relationship With Yourself
  • How To Make Space By Freeing Yourself From Ego And Pseudo Labels
  • The Value Of Putting Yourself First
  • A Guide To Breaking Patterns And Creating Boundaries
  • How To Trust Your Path
  • Tools To Focus On Celebrating Instead Of Comparing
...And Finally You'll Discover How To Dance Through The Duality Of Life...
Week #6: Dancing Through The Duality
  • Tools To Increase Emotional Resilience
  • The Key To Practicing Forgiveness And Acceptance During Hard Times 
  • How To Let Emotions Flow Through You
  • The Benefits Of Incorporating Celebration Into Your Daily Life 
  • Complete Integration Of Dance As A Vessel to Grow And Release Emotions

Unlike other programs or courses, this is an intensive, in-depth training that provides tools that are meant to be learned and applied throughout your life. I reveal every single method and strategy that works for me and for all my students.

(Value: $4,000)
  • Get Direct Access To Me Once A Week On Zoom Mondays 6-7pm CST
  • Zoom Group Coaching Calls During The Course 6 Week Duration 
  • Intimate, Dedicated Calls Only Available To Students In The Program
  • Ask Questions And Receive Coaching Each Week To Get Deeper Into the Module Lessons And Concepts
  • Freely Share Experiences, Worries, Obstacles That Arise Along The Way In A Supportive And Safe Environment

...Plus You'll Get Access To Our Private Facebook Group As Well...

(Value: $2,000)
  • We Stay In Constant Communication In An Exclusive Dedicated Facebook Group Exclusively For Students
  • Get Access To Me Personally On A Daily Basis (I'll Be Super Active In The Group, Answering Questions, Helping Out And Coaching You)
  • Receive Ongoing Support Throughout The Course As Part Of A Community
  • Create Accountability And Build Motivation With Fellow Students
  • You'll See What Works For Others And You'll Be Able To Learn From Them First Hand As They Share Their Experiences And What Results They're Getting
...Plus You'll Get A Curated Dance To Heal Resource Guide With Loads Of Helpful Info...
(Value: $200)
  • Curated Resource Guide With Links To Supporting Articles, Book Recommendations, You Tube Videos, Recipes, & More
(Value: $5,000)
  • Exclusive Access To The Entire Nextflix style video library of 100+ videos on demand including Livestreams, themed classes, DanceHIIT, and more! Only $29.99/month upon course completion
Here's What To Do Next
If you'd like to learn how to use dance as a powerful tool to transform your life for good, join the Dance To Heal program to be a part of this unique opportunity.

The way I see it, this course won't "cost" you anything.

Here's why:

In just 6 weeks you will learn how to tap into dance to unlock a deeper connection with yourself to improve your overall wellbeing. The transformation will be different for everyone but can influence various facets of your life including your physical health, personal relationships, and career aspirations. It will help you build emotional resilience. The lessons and dances in this course will be something you can always come back to throughout your life.

The bottom line is: It's almost impossible not to get a positive result from this program.

This program is not an expense, it's an investment in yourself. 

All I know is, you won't regret doing this for yourself.

But here's the best part:

You'll be plugged into a group of like-minded individuals on this same journey with you.

We stay in constant communication in our exclusive Facebook community where we all share our experiences and learnings and help support and motivate you along the way.

You can also participate in the weekly connection calls to dive deeper and get personal guidance.

Here's how the course breaks down: Each week, you will unlock a total of 3 modules speaking about various lessons plus 1 Dance session that will be repeated throughout the week. In each module I explain to you step by step how to integrate the lesson when dancing. 

In total you get access to over 8+ hours of content including all the video modules, dance sessions, and connection calls.

But don't worry, it's easy stuff and everything is delivered in small bite-sized chunks.
Meet Your Instructor
Melody Afkami
CEO & Founder of Melody DanceFit
Passionate about sharing the life-changing power of dance–– CEO and founder of Melody DanceFit, Melody Afkami pioneered a new class experience that transcends traditional fitness and dance. Notorious for her humorous and inspirational message to let go of what you look like and focus on the mental release of dance, Melody’s online community has now reached millions. Melody DanceFit was the first dance fitness brand in Austin to rent out local concert venues and bars in lieu of the traditional studio. What started out as a small ten person class quickly grew into events of a hundred plus people–– selling out venues all over town. From her disco-lit classes to her online Dance To Heal program, Melody has cultivated a following that is hooked on her message of self-acceptance, embracing duality, and allowing dance to immediately draw you into the present moment. With an emphasis on empowerment and mental health, her company is dedicated to helping people feel less alone in their struggles. Since its founding, MDF donates to the international nonprofit Dress For Success.  Afkami is also a keynote speaker and has been featured on CBS News, Texas Monthly Magazine, and Huffington Post. She has taught for international conferences and festivals, including SXSW and Austin City Limits Music Festival. She’s been hired by companies such as Lululemon, Facebook, Bumble, and Google and has recently presented on TEDx stage. Melody’s life mission is to take the intimidation out of dance to help people access it as a transformative tool in their lives, and her viral YouTube video ‘Havana‘ boasting over 40 million views certainly proves that.
Join Dance To Heal
Lifetime access to Dance To Heal Program content
6 Week Drip Course Consisting of 18 Modules + 6 Dance Sessions
 6 Live Connection Calls on Zoom every Monday 6-7pm CST
Lifetime Access to Dance To Heal community Facebook group
Purchase Info
4 payments of $399
Full Name (as it appears on credit card):
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:

Questions? Email us at
[email protected]

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